Starts in April
It is no secret that we are living in unprecedented and challenging times on planet Earth that demand a more dynamic heart felt direction in the social and spiritual evolution of our human family. There is hunger for change and we have to accommodate our transformational needs toward living as empowered co-creators in the coming of this intuitive Age; an Age that requires living within a new Empathic Holism with all of life, challenging existing perceptual norms.
Many of those who are drawn to the healing arts and who have embarked on a process of self-enquiry and personal healing are most likely born as ‘Empathic Souls’ with multisensory perception. Shamanic cultures have lived with multisensory perception for countless generations, interacting with other realms and beings as an integral part of their day-to-day life. This primal sensitivity has been reawakened in Western Culture over the past eighty years and an increasing number of people can perceive other facets and dimensions of reality such as spirits and souls, energetic fields of groups and places, hidden realms of the nature kingdom, all of which lie beyond the modern materialistic paradigm.
That is a lot to take in when born into Western society dominated by five sensory based psychology which largely denies the existence of a psychic territory and other dimensions and beings. As a consequence the Empathic Soul faces many challenges in dealing with heightened sensitivities which can result in a range of difficulties such as experiencing a sense of being overwhelmed by circumstance, feeling orphaned, shamed, judged, energetically drained, alienated, having difficulties to hold solid boundaries, and dealing with high levels of anxieties, emotional imbalances and addictive behaviours.
In setting healthy grounds for exploring the nature of the Empathic Soul, we will undertake an in-depth enquiry of the archetypal realms. Recognition and use of archetypes as cultural and personal guiding principles have been an integral part of shamanic cultures for thousands of years.
Employing a rich variety of core-shamanic practices and healing work throughout, this course will be a journey of deep self-enquiry, empowerment, healing and transformation.
The course will consist of the following main themes:
The Archetypal Realms
Archetypes are patterns of power that govern our lives. We will delve into these realms seeking to reveal personal archetypal forces including:
- Soul Archetypes: these arise from accumulative experience of many lifetimes that have anchored creative patterns in our soul archive.
- Fate Archetypes: they are rather dominant, often tribal, archetypal patterns that we were born ‘into’ such as those from our culture, society or family system.
- Survival Archetypes of Adaptation: we are born with an intuitive way to activate Archetypes that help us to survive any threats we may experience.
- Destiny Archetypes: they are the x-factors of grace of our potential and the most powerful companions in our lives. Destiny Archetypes are the ones we need to activate in this life time for true self-connection and empowerment.
We will ignite a new ‘archetypal crew’ in order to make choices driven by soul destiny rather than personal history.
The Nature of the Empathic Soul
Empathic Souls have incarnated with a more advanced capacity to feel and channel broader spectrums of energy in ways that hold the potential to heal, transform, channel, and guide. Yet often Empathic Souls begin their human journey in the dark. Sometimes that darkness is incarnating into an emotionally toxic family that rejects them, growing up in a culture of shame or perhaps being in a family challenged with shadow survival patterns. No matter where an Empathic Souls begin their journey, they are often too overwhelmed with empathic toxicity to even understand the sacredness of their life’s task.
We will investigate what multisensory perception consists of and how to thrive as a multisensory being in a five sensory based culture. We will activate mystical archetypal forces that are common in Empathic Souls and which are integral within the life of an empowered Empath.
Boundary Management
The question of personal protection is a common concern amongst Empathic Souls. As much as we are on a journey of cultivating self-connection and spiritual communion, creating and setting boundaries is something most of us have yet to truly learn and master.
We have been taught to create boundaries early in life through our Survival Archetypes which inhibits the flight of the soul and often results in two polarized extremes: being closed up so that what nourishes us can’t get through, or being over exposed and becoming overwhelmed by the energy of others. In the process of waking up to our multisensory and intuitive nature, this kind of stifling boundary management can be spiritually fatal. We will explore the archetypal nature of our boundary system and how to bring new forces in play through which we can intuitively create, set, and manage healthy holistic boundaries.
Chaos Cycles
Shamanic cultures understood that for anything new to be born into this world, it is often preceded by a state of chaos. Chaos was considered an aspect of divine order, a creative force that activates new potential. As part of our human journey, we are each scheduled to experience numerous challenging and chaotic cycles in life as part of the creative renewal.
While such cycles are unavoidable, the position from which you engage the alchemy of these cycles often determines how dark it gets and how long it lasts. Through understanding of the archetypal realms we will investigate how these cycles operate and how they might be navigated from a cycle of self-sabotage into one of authenticity.
This adventure is both a journey of self-enquiry and at the same time a training that includes a certificate on completion of the course.

Pricing & Information
The course is limited to 20 participants and consists of two week-long residential gatherings. It includes a comprehensive course guide and a detailed programme of practices to be undertaken at home.
- 10 – 17 April 2025
- 25 September – 2 October 2025
Venue: Noddfa, Penmaenmawr, Snowdonia, Wales
Total Cost: £2360
Trainer Fee: £960
Accommodation and Food: £1400 (single rooms)
Course pre-requisite
Participants need to be familiar with the practice of the shamanic journey. This can be achieved through attending the Ancient Ways – Introduction to Shamanism workshop or equivalent. Alternatively you can obtain a self-learning programme once you have made a booking for the above course.