10 – 11 May
(starts at 10am)
Shamanism is the most time-tested mind/body healing method that we know of today dating back at least 40,000 years. It was practised in all five continents which includes the Celtic and Pictish peoples of ancient Britain.
Through the use of these ancient ways, participants will be initiated into ‘shamanic journeying’, a remarkable visionary method employed to access other realms and discover individual spirit helpers and teachers. We will explore a variety of methods on how the shamanic journey can be used to restore spiritual power and health, plus it’s application in daily life not only for the self but for other individuals, communities, the land and its inhabitants.
Focusing on the shamanic journey, this experiential weekend workshop will introduce the basic principles of cross cultural core-shamanism including:
- introduction to shamanism & shamanic drumming
- finding and working with your personal spirit helpers and teachers
- introduction to shamanic healing
- shamanic divination as a means to deepen your connection with nature and the elements
- teachings of the medicine wheel
- participation in a ‘community healing’
Pricing & Information
This workshop, or equivalent, is the pre-requisite for the Shamanic Practitioner Training, and recommended for Nature Intelligence & the Dreaming of Earth and A Journey Beyond
10 – 11 MAY
Venue: Anam Cara, Inverness
Cost: £220 (fully residential)
Trainer Fee: £110
Accommodation and Food: £110