Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscape of Wales, there exists a hidden gem—a sanctuary of serenity and spiritual exploration known as Noddfa. As we embark on our journey of Toltec and shamanic teacher training, we are honored to call Noddfa our home—a place where ancient wisdom meets modern seekers in a harmonious dance of transformation and empowerment. Noddfa carries with it a rich … Read more about Sacred Ground: Noddfa as an Embracing Shamanism Venue
The Panda’s Path: Finding Harmony and Strength in Shamanic Practice
Among the pantheon of power animals, the panda emerges as a gentle yet powerful ally—a symbol of wisdom, harmony, and resilience in the face of adversity. In the rich tapestry of shamanic lore, the panda embodies the spirit of balance, embodying the yin and yang energies of light and dark, strength and softness, with grace and ease. From a shamanic perspective, the panda serves as a potent … Read more about The Panda’s Path: Finding Harmony and Strength in Shamanic Practice
Reclaiming Wholeness: The Vital Importance of Soul Retrieval in Modern Society
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to lose sight of the deeper aspects of our being—the fragments of our soul scattered amidst the chaos of daily existence. Yet, in the midst of this fragmentation, there lies a profound opportunity for healing and transformation through the ancient practice of soul retrieval. Soul retrieval, rooted in indigenous traditions and shamanic wisdom, … Read more about Reclaiming Wholeness: The Vital Importance of Soul Retrieval in Modern Society
Daffodil Wisdom
In the quiet embrace of nature, there exists a vibrant world pulsating with plant spirits. Amongst the tapestry of flora, one spirit stands out with its dazzling brilliance—the Daffodil. From the lens of shamanic wisdom, the Daffodil emerges as a beacon of light, guiding us on a transformative journey of inner illumination and renewal. In the heart of spring, as the earth awakens from its … Read more about Daffodil Wisdom
Spirit Animal: Serpent
A symbol of transformation and rebirth, the Serpent invites us to shed old habits and embrace change. Reflect on the areas of your life where you can release negativity and invite renewal. Channel the Serpent's transformative energy as you embark on your own journey of self-discovery. Embrace the shedding of old skin, both metaphorically and literally, and allow the Serpent's wisdom to guide … Read more about Spirit Animal: Serpent
Cross Cultural Shamanism: Exploring Beyond Indigenous Cultures
Shamanism, with its ancient roots in indigenous cultures, often conjures images of tribal rituals and remote communities. While these portrayals hold truth, the essence of shamanic practices transcends cultural boundaries, permeating diverse societies worldwide. Contrary to common misconceptions, shamanism is not confined solely to indigenous cultures but resonates across continents and throughout … Read more about Cross Cultural Shamanism: Exploring Beyond Indigenous Cultures
Embracing Your Ancestral Gifts
Are you feeling the call of your ancestral roots, eager to delve into the depths of their ancient wisdom? Our Shamanic Practitioner Training presents a unique opportunity to not only honour your lineage but also to embody the timeless traditions passed down through generations. Our training is a profound exploration of shamanic practices deeply intertwined with the wisdom of our ancestors. … Read more about Embracing Your Ancestral Gifts
Embrace a Transformative Journey: Join Our Shamanic Practitioner Training
Our shamanic practitioner training offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the ancient wisdom of shamanism and emerge as a confident and skilled practitioner of the healing arts. The core intention of our training is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of time-honoured shamanic methods of healing and transformation. Through structured learning and hands-on … Read more about Embrace a Transformative Journey: Join Our Shamanic Practitioner Training
Meet Course Leader: Twobirds
Our principal teacher at Embracing Shamanism is Twobirds Cunningham—a passionate advocate for the shamanic path, with a journey as inspiring as it is diverse. Originally from America, Twobirds found herself drawn to Europe, spending her formative years in Germany before embarking on a remarkable adventure. After a successful career in acrobatics, Twobirds followed her heart to South Africa, … Read more about Meet Course Leader: Twobirds
Embracing the Shamanic Path: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing
In many cultures around the world, the role of a shaman is revered for its ability to bridge the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating healing and transformation for individuals and communities. Traditionally, becoming a shaman involves a specific calling, initiation, or training within a particular cultural context. It is not a title that can be self-appointed or acquired without the proper … Read more about Embracing the Shamanic Path: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing