At Embracing Shamanism we offer Healing Circle training which includes these benefits: A sense of community and connection: Being part of a group of like-minded individuals can provide a sense of belonging and support, which can be particularly helpful during times of stress or difficulty. Emotional healing: Sharing your experiences and feelings with others can provide a safe and supportive … Read more about What are the benefits of a healing circle?
Why do you need a Shamanic Teacher?
While it is possible to learn about shamanism and shamanic practices through books and other resources, having a shamanic teacher can offer several benefits. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider working with a shamanic teacher: Safety: Working with a shamanic teacher can help ensure that you are practicing shamanism in a safe and responsible way. A teacher can provide guidance … Read more about Why do you need a Shamanic Teacher?
What is a Shamanic Course?
A shamanic course is a program expertly designed to teach individuals the principles, practices, and techniques of shamanism. Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that involves connecting with the spiritual world to gain insights, healing, and guidance. A shamanic course typically includes teachings on how to connect with spirit guides, work with energy and healing, and use various … Read more about What is a Shamanic Course?
What is Shamanism in simple terms?
Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that involves connecting with the spiritual world and using various techniques such as journeying, drumming, and ceremony to gain insights, healing, and guidance. Shamans are spiritual practitioners who act as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, helping individuals to connect with their inner wisdom, heal emotional and physical … Read more about What is Shamanism in simple terms?
Are you a Wilding? Call for Heart of the Wild support.
A massive thanks to all those who attended our launch night on Sunday 14th May. We know some of you couldn't make it and are eager to get involved so I have attached links to videos and forms below. It was wonderful to see so many old and new companions. Our collective is strong, with a common purpose and a clear determination to raise the funds needed to secure a home for the UKs shamanic … Read more about Are you a Wilding? Call for Heart of the Wild support.
What religion is associated with shamanism?
Shamanism is not a religion in the traditional sense, but rather a spiritual practice that has been found in various cultures throughout history. Shamanic practices have been found in many indigenous cultures around the world, including in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. While shamanism is not associated with a specific religion, it is often integrated into the spiritual beliefs and … Read more about What religion is associated with shamanism?
Do Shamans have to be certified?
Shamanism is not regulated or licensed in most countries, so there is no formal certification process for becoming a shaman. In traditional shamanic cultures, a shaman would be recognized and initiated by the community, often through a series of tests or challenges. However, in modern western cultures, many people who practice shamanism may choose to receive training or certification from a … Read more about Do Shamans have to be certified?
What does the word Toltec mean?
The word Toltec comes from the Nahuatl language, which was spoken by the ancient Aztecs and other indigenous peoples of Mexico. The exact meaning of the word Toltec is not entirely clear, but it is thought to refer to a group of people who were known for their skills and knowledge in various areas, including art, architecture, and spiritual practices. In modern times, the term Toltec is often used … Read more about What does the word Toltec mean?
What is a Shamanic Teacher?
A shamanic teacher is someone who has undergone extensive training and has deep knowledge and experience in the practice of shamanism. They have typically studied with one or more experienced shamanic practitioners or teachers, and have undergone their own personal healing and spiritual transformation through shamanic practices. A shamanic teacher may offer various services, … Read more about What is a Shamanic Teacher?
Invitation for an Exciting Launch
‘HEART OF THE WILD’ - SHAMANIC CHARITYZOOM LAUNCH INVITATION:Sunday 14 May7.30-8.30pm Join us in celebrating the birth of Heart of the Wild—where nature,community, and well-being come together for the wonder and benefit ofour human family. As many of you are aware, over the last twenty years an ever growing number ofshamanic practitioners have honed their skills through study, training and … Read more about Invitation for an Exciting Launch