Turtle wisdom is about navigating life's journey with patience and balance. The Turtle symbolizes the importance of taking one step at a time and appreciating the journey, not just the destination. Reflect on your pace this Sunday. Are you rushing through life, or are you taking the time to appreciate the small moments? Embrace the Turtle's calm energy and find equilibrium in your hectic … Read more about Spirit Animal: Turtle
Embrace a Transformative Journey: Join Our Shamanic Practitioner Training
Our shamanic practitioner training offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the ancient wisdom of shamanism and emerge as a confident and skilled practitioner of the healing arts. The core intention of our training is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of time-honoured shamanic methods of healing and transformation. Through structured learning and hands-on … Read more about Embrace a Transformative Journey: Join Our Shamanic Practitioner Training
Meet Course Leader: Twobirds
Our principal teacher at Embracing Shamanism is Twobirds Cunningham—a passionate advocate for the shamanic path, with a journey as inspiring as it is diverse. Originally from America, Twobirds found herself drawn to Europe, spending her formative years in Germany before embarking on a remarkable adventure. After a successful career in acrobatics, Twobirds followed her heart to South Africa, … Read more about Meet Course Leader: Twobirds
Spirit Animal: Eagle
The Eagle, a symbol of freedom and vision, invites us to rise above challenges and see life from a broader perspective. As you embrace the eagle spirit, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Consider how you can approach your goals with renewed focus and clarity, much like the eagle surveying the landscape from great heights. What obstacles can you overcome with a … Read more about Spirit Animal: Eagle
Embracing the Shamanic Path: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing
In many cultures around the world, the role of a shaman is revered for its ability to bridge the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating healing and transformation for individuals and communities. Traditionally, becoming a shaman involves a specific calling, initiation, or training within a particular cultural context. It is not a title that can be self-appointed or acquired without the proper … Read more about Embracing the Shamanic Path: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing
Spirit Animal: Wolf
Wolf, a symbol revered across cultures for its intelligence, instinct, and strong sense of community. Wolves teach us the importance of teamwork and familial bonds. As you embrace the wolf spirit this Sunday, take a moment to reflect on the power of unity in your own life. How can you strengthen your connections with others? Consider the role of community in achieving common goals and … Read more about Spirit Animal: Wolf
Understanding Auras from a Shamanic Perspective: A Mirror of Inner Balance and Imbalance
In the intricate tapestry of shamanic wisdom, the aura stands as a radiant reflection of our holistic well-being, offering a profound glimpse into our spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional states. From a shamanic viewpoint, the aura is a dynamic energy field that ebbs and flows, providing insights into our inner harmony or disharmony. The Aura as a Mirror of Health: Shaman techniques … Read more about Understanding Auras from a Shamanic Perspective: A Mirror of Inner Balance and Imbalance
New Year Plant Spirit: Snowdrops
Snowdrops are enchanting and delicate plants that hold a special place in the world of flora, not only for their ethereal beauty but also for their symbolic significance and plant spirit essence. The plant spirit of snowdrops embodies resilience, hope, and purity. These small, bell-shaped flowers emerge from the cold, wintry earth, often while snow still blankets the ground. Their ability to … Read more about New Year Plant Spirit: Snowdrops
The Universal Radiance: Saint Lucia’s Light from a Cross-Cultural Shamanic Perspective
Saint Lucia, a celebration that resonates across cultures, transcends geographical boundaries and speaks to the importance of light from a cross-cultural shamanic viewpoint. The festival of Saint Lucia, with its historical roots and symbolism, reveals the common thread of light's significance in various shamanic traditions. Saint Lucia: A Multicultural Tapestry Saint Lucia, or Saint Lucy's … Read more about The Universal Radiance: Saint Lucia’s Light from a Cross-Cultural Shamanic Perspective
Can Anyone Become a Shaman?
Shamanism, with its ancient and diverse practices, offers a unique path for spiritual seekers and those interested in healing and connecting with the natural world. The idea of becoming a shaman practitioner can be appealing to many individuals who wish to explore this profound and transformative journey. 1. Accessibility of Shamanic Practices: One of the remarkable aspects of shamanism is … Read more about Can Anyone Become a Shaman?