On our Nature Intelligence Course we explore the complex dynamics of the plant kingdom, interactions that show clear parallels to the human realm. This includes language, plant sentience, intelligence, the creation of cities, cooperation in groups, adaptation to their environment, protection of offspring and species memory that is handed down through the generations. Learn more here. … Read more about Plant Intelligence
Shamanic Theatre
Traditionally a lot of the shamanic journey work performed by the Shaman of the tribe would involve movement and voice, allowing it to become a ‘theatre’ so that the community can witness the experiences of the shamanic whilst on the journey. Theatre of the Shaman is part of the initiatory learning and journey of the Shamanic Practitioner Training. … Read more about Shamanic Theatre
Power Dance
Dance is a beautiful tool to connect with the power of the Universe. The word power in shamanism refers to ‘spiritual power’ or ‘divine force/presence’, and therefore power dance always involves some form of merging or communion with the divine. All of our offerings here include the element of dance. … Read more about Power Dance
Toltec Shamanism
"Mystery and imagination arise from the same source. This source is called Darkness… Darkness within darkness, the gateway to all understanding." Lao-Tzu Thousands of years ago, the Toltec in southern Mexico were known as the ‘men and women of knowledge’. They were ancient ‘shaman-seers’, the receivers and holders of mysteries. Toltec Shamanism offers a range of practices within the … Read more about Toltec Shamanism
What do we mean by the term Spirit “teacher?”
What is meant by the term ‘teacher’ is a spirit ally in human (ish) form such as an Ancestral Being, an Angelic Being, a Bodhisattva or Jesus Christ. You don’t need to know who that Being is. It can also be a deceased loved one such as a father or a grandmother who come forward to be with you at this point in time. At Embracing Shamanism we teach you skills that connect you with your Spirit … Read more about What do we mean by the term Spirit “teacher?”
What can your power actually do for someone?
Wise words from Twobirds, Principal teacher at Embracing Shamanism: "If you are falling into feeling ‘for’ people, you are mistaking your power. You will end up powerless, violated and collapsed. So my first step here to give you a backbone in empathy is: get your power straight and accept some fundamentals of this life. People die, people suffer, people have challenges, really horrific things … Read more about What can your power actually do for someone?
What is Identity and Why is it Important?
Identity is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual, it is what gives us individuality. It is the condition of being oneself and not someone else. We have a soul contract to evolve and live and create through identity. All of our courses at Embracing Shamanism explore this at some level but especially through the Archetypal work in our Journey Beyond Course. … Read more about What is Identity and Why is it Important?
What is Soul Remembrance?
A beautiful Shamanic healing technique that reconnects a person to their essence – who this person was before they were told who they are, what are their original beauties, gifts, talents, strengths, that they came to manifest. We teach this technique at Embracing Shamanism through our Shamanic Practitioner Training. … Read more about What is Soul Remembrance?
Introduction to Shamanism
At Embracing Shamanism we offer an Introduction to Shamanism weekend workshop for anyone wanting to experience and learn more about shamanism. We will cover: This workshop, or equivalent, is the pre-requisite for the Shamanic Practitioner Training, and recommended for Nature Intelligence & the Dreaming of Earth and A Journey Beyond. Learn more about the Introduction to Shamanism … Read more about Introduction to Shamanism
The Importance of Myth
Myth teaches value and meaning, if we tie myths to fact and literal interpretation, we miss the point. A myth is a metaphorical story of your beliefs. Therefore you want to incorporate your own beliefs into a story of creation. For you cannot merge or have union with the creator unless your story truly speaks to your soul. At Embracing Shamanism we guide you to find your own story through our lift … Read more about The Importance of Myth