Embracing Shamanism's comprehensive, professional shamanic practitioner training offers a rich variety of cross-culture core shamanic practices of healing and transformation such as: - Soul Retrieval - Shamanic Extraction - Ceremony and Ritual - Shamanic Counselling - Earth Skill and time in Nature - Shamanic Divination - The Medicine Wheel - Healing Circles - The … Read more about Do you wish to become a Shamanic Practitioner at our upcoming training?
Shamanic Practitioner
The Importance of Samhain from a Celtic Perspective
As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, the Celtic world comes alive with anticipation. It's a time of celebration, reflection, and reverence—an ancient festival known as Samhain. From a Celtic perspective, Samhain is a pivotal point on the wheel of the year, carrying profound significance that transcends time and space. A Brief History of Samhain Samhain, pronounced "sow-in," is … Read more about The Importance of Samhain from a Celtic Perspective
A Few Places Left ….Come Join Us!
Seeking a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you? Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Join us for the last few places in the Shamanic Practitioner training in the inspiring landscape of Wales this February 2024. Unlock the ancient wisdom of shamanism and explore the realms of the spirit, energy, and healing. Connect with like-minded souls and embrace the … Read more about A Few Places Left ….Come Join Us!
Where do Shamans get their power from?
In shamanic traditions, the source of a shaman's power is often understood as coming from their connection with the spirit world, the natural world, and their community. The specific beliefs and practices vary across different indigenous cultures, but there are some common themes: It's important to note that the understanding of power in shamanism is often different from the Western concept … Read more about Where do Shamans get their power from?
What can a Shamanic Practitioner do?
A shamanic practitioner can do many things to support individuals in their healing and spiritual growth journey. Here are some of the ways a shamanic practitioner can help: Facilitate spiritual connection: A shamanic practitioner can help individuals connect with their own spiritual wisdom and with the spirit world, including power animals, spirit guides, and ancestors. This can help … Read more about What can a Shamanic Practitioner do?
What is a Shamanic Practitioner?
A shamanic practitioner is someone who practices shamanism, which is an ancient spiritual practice that involves connecting with the spirit world and working with spiritual energies to facilitate healing, insight, and personal growth. A shamanic practitioner may work with individuals or groups to help them access their own spiritual wisdom, to connect with their power animals and spirit guides, … Read more about What is a Shamanic Practitioner?
The Wisdom in the West
All the four directions have different qualities. Yet cross culturally there are universal truths. Just as the sun rises in the east so too the sun sets in the west. With this knowledge brings the quality of endings, death, and sometimes the ancestors. These are all teachings we offer through our Shamanic Practitioner Training that you can learn more about here. … Read more about The Wisdom in the West
The Four Directions
A concept in shamanism that is cross cultural are the four directions. If you were raised in a traditional shamanic culture this would be taught to you based on the teachings. In modern times people may live in a different land that they were born in and far removed from the ancient teachings that were once prevalent. At Embracing Shamanism our Shamanic Practitioner course helps you discover what … Read more about The Four Directions
What is soul esteem?
Soul Esteem is not dependent on anything other than you being in the universe is enough – you are here, and you have value because of that. That’s it. Healthy ego esteem depends on positive feedback loops that you put in place. But at some point it will fall short and you have to go mystical. And that is where soul esteem comes in. Explore this further in our Shamanic Teacher Training and Our … Read more about What is soul esteem?
Shamanic Theatre
Traditionally a lot of the shamanic journey work performed by the Shaman of the tribe would involve movement and voice, allowing it to become a ‘theatre’ so that the community can witness the experiences of the shamanic whilst on the journey. Theatre of the Shaman is part of the initiatory learning and journey of the Shamanic Practitioner Training. … Read more about Shamanic Theatre