While it is possible to learn about shamanism and shamanic practices through books and other resources, having a shamanic teacher can offer several benefits. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider working with a shamanic teacher: Safety: Working with a shamanic teacher can help ensure that you are practicing shamanism in a safe and responsible way. A teacher can provide guidance … Read more about Why do you need a Shamanic Teacher?
What is Shamanism in simple terms?
Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that involves connecting with the spiritual world and using various techniques such as journeying, drumming, and ceremony to gain insights, healing, and guidance. Shamans are spiritual practitioners who act as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, helping individuals to connect with their inner wisdom, heal emotional and physical … Read more about What is Shamanism in simple terms?
Do Shamans have to be certified?
Shamanism is not regulated or licensed in most countries, so there is no formal certification process for becoming a shaman. In traditional shamanic cultures, a shaman would be recognized and initiated by the community, often through a series of tests or challenges. However, in modern western cultures, many people who practice shamanism may choose to receive training or certification from a … Read more about Do Shamans have to be certified?
What is a shamanic way of living?
The shamanic way of living is a way of life that is rooted in the principles and practices of shamanism. It is a holistic approach to living that emphasizes connection with nature, spirit, and community, and seeks to maintain balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Here are some key elements of the shamanic way of living: Connection with nature: Shamans see nature as a source of wisdom, … Read more about What is a shamanic way of living?
What is a Shamanic Teacher?
A shamanic teacher is someone who has undergone extensive training and has deep knowledge and experience in the practice of shamanism. They have typically studied with one or more experienced shamanic practitioners or teachers, and have undergone their own personal healing and spiritual transformation through shamanic practices. A shamanic teacher may offer various services, … Read more about What is a Shamanic Teacher?
How do you start a shamanic journey?
Shamanic journeying is a practice used in shamanism to enter a state of consciousness and connect with the spiritual realm to gain insights, healing, and guidance. At Embracing Shamanism we teach the shamanic journey as part of our Introduction to Shamanism weekend workshop. Here are the basic steps to start a shamanic journey: Create a sacred space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where … Read more about How do you start a shamanic journey?
Coronation from a Shamanic Perspective
Today, in the United Kingdom, the King was coronated. From a shamanic point of view, the coronation ceremony has historically been an important ritual for transferring power and establishing the sovereignty of a new ruler. The archetype of the sovereign is a powerful symbol in many shamanic traditions, representing the idea of a wise and just ruler who is able to govern with compassion and … Read more about Coronation from a Shamanic Perspective
Embracing Shamanism News
If you would like to look through past posts for more information that we have shared about shamanism and Embracing Shamanism please click on this link here. … Read more about Embracing Shamanism News
The Four Directions
A concept in shamanism that is cross cultural are the four directions. If you were raised in a traditional shamanic culture this would be taught to you based on the teachings. In modern times people may live in a different land that they were born in and far removed from the ancient teachings that were once prevalent. At Embracing Shamanism our Shamanic Practitioner course helps you discover what … Read more about The Four Directions
The Element of Earth
Earth brings growth. Earth brings a sense of being grounded. Earth brings connection. All our offerings at Embracing Shamanism honour and work with the elements. If you are called to work more with the element of Earth have a look at our Nature Intelligence training here. … Read more about The Element of Earth