This is often done through another Archetype such as The Addict, The Perfectionist, or The Adult Child. As The Adult Child you had to grow up fast to raise your parents, because they were stuck in addiction and didn’t grow up emotionally. You were on your own. You were the abandoned and the adult child. So now you have The Adult Child that wants to parent everyone, and as you do that you lose connection to the self, you lose power, you lose intuitive direction, and it is a sabotaging force for you. What sabotages you will come to the surface here. Your Co-dependant may come on line, make sure you manage everyone to make sure they like you. In this stage everything becomes about you. If people go into chaos, it triggers narcissism. This is not meant negatively, it can even be healthy. ‘Everything is about me right now, I am in disruption. Connect with the Saboteur Archetype as part of our Shamanic Teacher Training, more information here.