We have Soul Archetypes we brought in, we have Fate Archetypes of the world from family etc. that we just got thrown into as souls that became part of seeing ourselves and forming identity. We have Survival Adaptations that we subconsciously recruited to get through childhood. And then destiny swoops in with Archetypes that are the x factors of grace of your potential. They are the most powerful companions of your life. They say ‘ok, you have The Perfectionist, but I have something else for you. It’s called ‘how to love yourself unconditionally. And I am going to recruit Archetypes that are going to support that and help you to realize that your greatest strategy and position of power is self-connection. So I will not tolerate something like The Perfectionist or The Co-dependant which are Archetypes of Self-disconnection.’ To learn more about Archetypes find our Shamanic Teacher Training here.